We have another Pizza Friday tomorrow!
If your student is signed up PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY BRING A PLATE FROM HOME. We’re missing several of our classroom set and think they got mixed up at the last 5/6 party day.
Extreme Cold
Next week they are calling for VERY COLD temperatures. We do go outside even for limited times and still must switch for classes in other buildings. Please make sure your student is prepared with: Boots, hat, gloves/mittens and a warm coat.(snow pants keep you warm even if there isn’t snow:) Students will not be allowed outside if they are not prepared for the weather.
Winter Break
If your student will be missing any school days before or after break-please let us know.
Students will bring EVERYTHING home from their locker over break. They will need an extra bag or 2 for hauling items.
Thank you all for helping us make this a great year!!