I hope this finds everyone well! I wanted to reach out and share a few updates.
I wanted to let you know that the NWEA scores will be in your child’s pick up bag today in their folder.
The unit 2 MATH assessment is scheduled for next Wednesday, 11th. Students should have a packet called “Unit 2 pre-assessment” which they can use as a study guide. I have asked them to start working on it last night (up until next Wednesday) and review their answers if possible with a parent. If your child cannot find their pre-assessment packet, they can utilize IXL to practice, and focus on multiplication skills and arrays.
Next week, (most likely on Tuesday) we will be working on a personal timeline. It would be helpful if your child was aware of some approximate dates of just a few (3-5) milestones in their life. Some examples are their birthdate, a sibling’s birth, the first tooth they lost, the year they started Kindergarten, the year a pet was added to your family, etc. Milestones can be up to the child as to what they feel is important, please do not feel limited to these ideas. Dates can be really approximate, even the year they occurred is enough information. If you could help your child jot these down ahead of time, it would be really helpful for the project. Please place this idea/date list into their social studies folder. If not, it is no problem, I will have your child approximate the year of the milestones.