Hi Families!
Quick notes to know:
- 10/6 9:00-11:00 a.m. NWEA MAKE UP DATE
- 10/7 3:00-4:00 p.m. Materials Pick-Up (look for an email from Mrs. Domanski regarding party materials to be dropped off)
- 10/8 Early Release
- 10/9 No School-Teacher In-service day
- 10/12 No School-Columbus Day
- 10/13 VIrtual Field Trip – Forest Preserve “Web of Life”
- 10/15 Natural Leader Assembly
PCCS Decorative Corn Sale!
Add some fall decor to your door with a corn bundle grown right here at PCCS!
WHEN: Sale will take place during the materials exchange on Oct. 7, 3 pm until limited supplies are gone.
WHERE: Parking lot in front of Carson building (near fire pit).
COST: $5 per bundle, regardless of size.
PAYMENT: Cash or check made out to PCCS only, exact change only (we will not have change available).
Any questions- please contact Ms. Naomi
For the 10/7 Materials Pick-Up, we are asking students to return: Math Student Book pages 36-38, the home connections pages 21-22, the venn diagram (completing this week) and the read to self book that was loaned out. Also, if possible, any party materials you have arranged with Mrs. Domanski.
Please make sure your child’s first and last name are on each of these items, as well as, “Larson.” Then, please place them inside the materials pick up and drop off folder your child labeled and then place the folder into the materials bag and return on 10/7. Thank you so much for your support!
In Writing,
We are going to start working on personal narratives. We will start out with shorter writes to build up our stamina, working towards a story about ourselves. We will also continue to use typing.com and our handwriting books.
In Reading, We will be working on a new group article about the history of chocolate. We will also continue working on each comprehension skill from the necklace over time. We are reviewing making connections and working on asking questions. Students will also be comparing two texts to find their similarities and differences. Next week, we will be starting a novel study, “The Chocolate Touch.” Students will be read to and assigned to read on their own specific pages. As we work through the book they will answer questions about what they have read. We will also continue to learn about the comprehension skills on our necklaces as we go.
In Math, We are in Unit 2. This week we are finishing up module 1. By the end of the week, we will start module 2. Next week, we will continue and finish module 2. In module 2 we are learning:
Module 2 Multiplying with Number Lines & Arrays
Students make cube trains and paper strips to show the
multiples of 2–10. These iterating units help them understand
multiplication as comparison: something times
something else. Students solve number line puzzles, and
they investigate arrays as they help a window washer
count window panes. In Sessions 3 and 4, students explore
doubling, using partial products, and making use of
5s and 10s facts. In the final session, they move from
the discrete array structure of the paned windows to a
contiguous array of mailboxes.
We are also working on the October Number Corner which introduces 2 dimensional shapes. Throughout the number corner we will be learning about angles, shape attributes and lines of symmetry. We will also be collection milliliters in our liquid volume collection throughout the month. Through this collection, we will be able to learn more about liquid volume standard units.
For Science/Social Studies, we are continuing working on science and are in the unit of Illinois ecosystems. Over the next two weeks, we are finishing the wetland ecosystem unit. We will learn about producers, consumers and decomposers. We will learn about wetland food cycles. Students will also be researching a wetland animal and creating an informational slideshow about their animal. Ms. Naomi will host a special wetland lesson as a virtual field trip. We will also participate on October 13th in a virtual field trip given by the Forest Preserve on the web of life.
We will continue participating in phenology and solo spots, alternating each week on Friday afternoons (sometimes other days as our schedule dictates). Your student may complete these by going outside in your own yard, or, if this is not possible, by looking out a window at nature.
I hope you have a wonderful week!