Happy December everyone,
We have had a very successful week in 6th grade. Students concluded our Bones & Stones unit on primitive time with a graded review of terminology from the unit as well, as a comic portraying life in primitive day. Then, students were introduced to our Empires unit on ancient Mesopotamia. Click here to read the Student Guide for the unit and review descriptions for the mini-projects students will be completing over the course of their studies; this unit will go through mid-January.
In ELA students continued their study of a historical figure by creating timelines and drafting their report. Next week, they will wrap up their writing process and begin working on a presentation about their figure. Click here to view the rubric, organizer and suggested timeline.
If your child will be missing any school directly before/after winter break, please let us know. Students will be bringing most items from their locker home prior to the break, and there will be an ELA extra credit opportunity I want to be sure everyone is aware. More details coming next week!
Important Dates
Fri Dec 13: Holiday Bazaar
Wed Dec 18: Student v Staff Boy’s Basketball Game, 2:30
Fri Dec 20: Holiday Sing, 8:30 in the gym; Early Release, 1PM