This week in social studies we will be concluding our social studies unit on Ancient Mesopotamia. This unit has allowed students the opportunity to simulate life as a member of a tribe, and respond to fate situations. We have studied the job specialization that emerged in this time, and students created some wonderful displays based on their leveled-tasks (new photos have been added to the Gallery).
This week students will take a final assessment on the unit. Today they will be given a study guide and reading selection, to help them prepare. The exam will be Wednesday or Thursday depending on which class they are in. If students are working on any tasks at home, they have until Wednesday to turn them in.
Next week, we will be starting our journey up the Nile in our “Egypt” unit. Often a favorite unit for students, we will be creating “nomes”, studying how style of clothing changed, learning specifics about the various gods, and of course utilizing the numerous benefits of the Nile river valley.