In math, we will be solidifying students understanding of fractions as a way to interpret division, and as a way to represent portions of whole numbers. Students should be making connections between how operations with fractions are related to operations with whole numbers. Some students may find using drawings/models helpful when working through these types of problems.
In social studies, students are working toward individual tasks within their tribes. These tasks focus on one of the five keys to civilizations (government, religion, art/architecture/public works, writing, and job specialization). Students will be progressing at their own pace on these projects, in hopes of achieving “empire”-level status for their tribes. These projects may be worked on over break; they are to be turned in on a rolling basis.
In ELA, we will wrap up the week with an assessment on our first vocabulary unit. The quiz will feature fill-in-the-blank and matching questions, as well as a few questions on part of speech and using words appropriately in sentences. This quiz has been designed based on students “wanted” posters, which were presented this week. Students will not be given new spelling sorts to study over break.
Dinosaur reports are due via Google Classroom soon; I have elected to have a floating deadline. Students may submit their paper as soon as Friday, if they wish. However, many students would benefit from a trip to the library to utilize print sources in their writing. To give those who need it this flexibility, I will not be counting reports late until Monday, January 4th at 8:00 am. Attached here is the rubric that will be used to grade this report. Students have been using the prompts from the right column during their research and writing process.
There is an optional extra credit opportunity for ELA (read more here); students may read a book that has been adapted into a movie and create a presentation afterwards. This would be submitted by Wednesday January 6th, for a maximum of 15 extra credit points in ELA.
Lastly, students in my homeroom will be taking home the non-academic contents of their lockers prior to leaving for winter break. If possible, please send a reusable bag to aid with the transportation of these items. This is to ensure that no clothes or food items are left behind during the break. I thank you all in advance for your cooperation.