We are so happy to see that spring has decided to come around! We have spent a lot of time outside, and cannot believe how beautiful it is. In writing, we finished our personal narratives. It was a great opportunity to go back over the goals of personal narratives. In the end, each 3rd and 4th grader was able to read their papers in small groups and get feedback about what they did well, and what they could improve for next time. In science, we wrapped up our unit on motion and matter. Everyone LOVED being engineers by creating go-carts in small groups. The goal was to get each cart to roll with just a small push. When the students ran into a design problem, they worked together to make changes. In math, the 4th graders worked on looking at how fractions and decimals are related. They created their own number line with a hundredths grid, and found a variety of ways to write the number that was found on each line. 2 of the ways were in decimal form, and the other two ways were fraction form. From Mrs. Larson’s 3rd grade math: We have completed Unit 5 on word problems using multiplication and division. We are starting unit 6 which focuses on geometry. We will be working on geometry until year-end.We will start with learning about quadrilaterals and triangles. We have also started the May Number Corner, which will be our last number corner of the year. In Number Corner, students are working on area as a multiplication problem, shapes with missing area, and fractional values.Students should be using ixl.com nightly unless there are specific math pages assigned. Students can work towards mastering geometry levels of CC, DD, EE, and FF.
Next week, the 4th graders will take a closer look at tenths and hundredths, with an emphasis on place value. In social studies, we will begin our much anticipated unit on LEWIS AND CLARK! The 3rd graders will be going on a field trip on Monday, and the 4th graders will be going on a field trip on Thursday. We will also participate in a simulation of the same route that Lewis and Clark took. This unit will last until the end of the school year. In writing, we will start back on opinion/persuasive papers. The students loved this type of writing, and it will be a wonderful way to review our skills before the end of the school year. Our ABC countdown will continue!
Here is a review of our ABC countdown for each day:
April 26 – A: Appreciation Day
April 27- B: Baby picture, bring a baby picture
April 30 – C: Calcetines loco (crazy socks)
May 1 – D: Dress Fancy Day
May 2- E: Entirely one color
May 3 – F: Friend Day, sit with a friend for lunch
May 4- G: Go outside for lunch
May 7 – H: Herd Day, bring a stuffed animal to school to create our own herd (12” or less)
May 8 – I: Inside out day- wear something inside out
May 9 – J: Joke Day – bring a joke to share
May 10 – K: Kindness Day
May 11 – L: Lollipop Day
May 14 – M: Music day, play music during work time
May 15 – N: Night Clothes, wear your PJ’s
May 16 – O: Oversized, wear a shirt that is oversized over your own shirt
May 17- P: Play games day (hopefully outside)
May 18 -Q: Quiet spots
May 21- R: Reading day – bring your favorite book to read and share
May 22 – S: Sports Day, Wear something to support your favorite team
May 23 – T: T-Shirt wear your favorite t-shirt
May 24 – U: USA Day, Dress in red, white, blue
May 25- V: Bring your favorite veggies for snack
May 29- W: Water day (Drip Drip Drench!)
May 30- X: X-tra time outside
May 31- Y:Year End Clearance – Start taking home your stuff and cleaning the rooms
June 1 – Z: Zoom home for the summer!