Happy Friday, everyone! We certainly have had a busy week, with band starting, a green assembly, and NWEA testing make-ups. The 3rd and 4th graders enjoyed a lesson with Ms. Naomi and Mrs. Wagner about electricity, and the resources that we have around campus for sources of energy. We took a tour of the wind turbine, geothermal field, and the solar panel on top of Carson. In writing, we are working on adding more details to our writing by “showing, not telling”. For example, instead of saying, “I felt tired”, a student would try to write things like “I felt my eyelids grow heavy as my head began to droop”. It gives the reader a better picture in their head! The 4th grade math students are wrapping up their unit on multiplication by talking about multiplicative comparison.
Next week, we will be finishing our unit in math and taking a post-assessment on the multiplication skills that we learned. Then we will be moving on to measuring! We will also be finishing our unit in science on electricity and starting magnets. The 3rd and 4th graders will be finishing the unit with a post assessment. I know it can be tough with two assessments in one week, but class time will be given to review and study! Next week will also be Attendance Week! PLEASE help us by sending your children each day. Every day will have a theme:
Monday, September 11th–Patriot Day–Wear your USA GarbTuesday, September 12th–Crazy Hat DayWednesday, September 13th–Grade Band Class Team Color Day (we will be BLUE!!!!)Thursday, September 14th— Dress-Up Day (TBA)Friday, September 15th–PCCS Spirit Day–Wear Green or PCCS Spiritwear
Other important dates: