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Week 32

What crazy weather we’ve had this week! Can you believe it’s almost spring? This week in Social Studies we’ve continued our Pioneer Simulation. The four wagon trains have been working well in their respective groups. They have come across many hard obstacles they have to face as a team! In writing we have been getting prepared for ELA PARCC testing. We have been going over different aspects of poetry and grammar! Fourth graders have worked very hard finishing up their unit on mixed numbers and improper fractions. They just took their end of unit – it was a two day feat! and they are beginning their new unit on measurements. Our first PARCC test was on Thursday, if any student missed it there will be make ups. This was just our first, there are more to come.

Next week, we’re having our second and third PARCC test. One is on Monday morning! Students should get a good night’s rest on Sunday night and eat a big breakfast. The other is on Wednesday after F2T. In Social Studies we are (hopefully) going to reach Hacker Valley in our Pioneer Simulation! Students are having a great time! In reading we are continuing small reading groups. After spring break we will begin reading pioneer books, Little House on the Prairie and Joshua’s Diary, pairing with our Social Studies unit. Students will learn more about it next week. In writing, we will be taking a brief break on opinion/persuasive to brush up on our grammar and punctuation skills. Opinion/persuasive will pick back up after break. Fourth grade math will be starting out their new unit on measurements. We will tie in fractions, measurement, and line plots together! The weather should be warming up next week and we’ll be getting back to planting and gardening. Can any parents donate empty milk jugs that we can use to keep our gardens warm? Please!


From Mrs. Larson:

3rd grade Math,

This week in math, we will continue our fraction unit. Students will especially be focusing on comparing fractions and fraction values. We will also review equivalent fractions. On Thursday, we will have a quiz on what we have learned so far on fractions. On my PCCS website, I have listed some fun fraction videos to review what we’ve learned. Please use this as a resource at home.  Also, Here is a link for free, fun fraction games online. Our next Math PARCC tests will be on April 10th, 12th and the (final) 14th.

Dates to remember:

  • PARCC Testing
    • Monday, March 20th at 10:00AM – make sure to get a good night’s rest and eat a big breakfast!
    • Wednesday, March 22nd at 12:15PM – make sure to get a good night’s rest and bring a nutritional lunch!
  • Monday, March 20th – Earth Week shirt orders are DUE!
  • Wednesday, March 22nd – Farm to Table
  • Spring Break is March 25th-April 2nd – school reconvenes on Monday, April 3rd
  • SAVE THE DATE: Family Dance Saturday, April 29th!

Attention Attention!

SUMMER SNEAK PEEK! Camp Wildside is Back! Registration Open Now!

Spend the summer at Prairie Crossing Charter School’s Camp Wildside!

Are you interested in an engaging, interactive, and memorable summer camp experience for your child? Well, look no further! Camp Wildside offers a summer camp for students in 1st through 8th grades! Offering 2 week sessions, with 3 or 5 day options, students will have the opportunity to explore and connect with the outdoors and enjoy a structured fun camp at PCCS!

More information and registration can be found here.  Questions? Please contact