Happy Friday! This week was a short week, with having Monday off. In writing we continued our poetry unit. The students learned about 3 new types of poems: diamantes, cinquains, and couplets. The diamante poems seem to be a huge class favorite! Yesterday, we wrote poems in response to images that we saw displayed on the whiteboard. Everyone was very creative! In social studies, we learned a bit more about the mystery of Roanoke. After hearing a story about the lost colony, the third and fourth graders worked on completing a comic strip about what they THINK happened to the colonists. There were some interesting theories that were thought of and discussed. We have been discussing ideas for School Choice Week next week, and everyone seems excited about the prizes that are in store for the winners! An e-mail was sent out yesterday about what will be happening each day, so please check that for more information. In math, the 4th graders wrapped up their discussions on subtraction and began discussing measurement. We talked about the units that are used for weight, capacity/volume, time, and length. We also started working on converting smaller measurements into larger measurements.
Next week, we will have our Unit 4 assessment. The test will take place on Wednesday. A study guide will be handed out today, and reviewed on Monday in class. In social studies, we will be creating a 3-D map of Jamestown and learn more details about Plymouth. The map will take a few days, but should turn out amazingly! Our unit on poetry will continue, as well. We will discuss theme in more detail, and each day the students will write a poem about a different theme. I am excited to see how they turn out! Also, as mentioned earlier, next week will be School Choice Week. The schedule will look like the following:
Tuesday – Wear your favorite sports team gear