It is hard to believe we are completing our 2nd week here at Prairie Crossing Charter School! It has been wonderful to get back into the “swing” of things. Thank you for all of the communication, feedback, and follow-up about the students!
This week, we continued to work on our writing skills. The students brought in meaningful objects and wrote a letter to Mrs. Wagner about what their object meant to them. Some of the students were able to make connections and reflect back to when they first received their treasure. We also touched on the difference between facts and opinions. The students learned that facts can be looked up and proven, while opinions cannot be proven. The 4th graders worked on tape diagrams and multiplicative comparisons. We reviewed what a complete answer looks like in math: all work is showed, labels are provided, and an equation is written. We are also playing a game called “Multiplication I Have, Who Has”. Our new goal is to finish the game in 3 minutes and 30 seconds. We have already gotten down to about 4 minutes after starting at 8 minutes last week! Nice work! The 3rd graders continue working on time and clocks with Mrs. Larson. We are studying more about the prairie and plan to finish a mini-research project by the end of this week.
Next week, we will add life-sized pictures of our researched plant/animal/insect to a huge mural! The other 3rd and 4th grade classes will be adding their images as well. We will also have an introduction to the woodlands and continue practicing our solo spots. Our spelling unit has started, so we will continue working on it throughout the year. It will be great to see how much we can grow as writers, spellers, and readers! Our class has done a great job working on “read to self” and “read to someone”. The rest of our Daily 5 stations will be introduced shortly!
Please note: Curriculum Night is Tuesday, September 6 from 6:00-7:00 pm
Other important dates:
Monday August 29th: Picture Day!
Tuesday August 30th: Green Challenge Assembly at 8:15
Wednesday August 31st: Oak Openings trip with Ms. Naomi (1:15-3:15)
Friday September 2nd: National College Colors Day – Wear your colors!
Friday September 2nd: Wagner class takes Math NWEA