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Week 1

This week was busy with transitioning back into school mode! We went over rules, procedures, and classroom expectations. The students were excited to receive classroom jobs and start showing their leadership skills in the room. Our classroom jobs will switch every 2 weeks, and everyone will get a chance to help out! The jobs are: paper passers, line leader, door holders, table wiper, floor sweeper, etc. It is great to have such teamwork!

We started working out in the prairie and learning about the plants and animals that live there. We also discovered interesting insects when doing an “insect sweep”! This week also consisted of starting our writing and reading routines. We learned about reading to ourselves and retelling stories. The students also learned skills to choose a book that is a good fit for them. 

Next week, we will be working on more writing prompts, getting back into the Daily 5, and are hoping to start spelling. An assembly will take place on Monday at 8:30 introducing band. Students will be allowed to try out instruments if they are interested in joining band for the year.

We would appreciate any help from parents to get their students back into the routine of being back to school. Please email Mrs. Wagner or Miss Moyer if there are questions about our classroom rules or expectations.
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