Greetings parents,
Through the day on Tuesday October 29th, PCCS staff will be leading activities in fire starting, spear-throwing, archery, cave “painting” and satchel making around campus. This day is an annual experience for students to synthesize their learning throughout our next social studies unit, Bones & Stones, by experiencing a simulation of various skills and activities involved in the survival of early humans.
Students will be rotating in groups of 12 to participate in each of the planned stations for the day, and we would love to have some parent volunteers available to guide groups during transitions and help monitor students at the stations. If this is something you may be interested in, please click here to add your name to our volunteer sign up sheet. Even having volunteers stop by for a station or two is so helpful! Thank you so much for your consideration.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful day!