All students were reassessed in spelling, before Thanksgiving break, and tomorrow students will be given their new spelling sorts. Some students will be diving into classical roots, while others will be reviewing spelling rules from earlier in the year. Please ask your student what their spelling rule is each week. Students should be getting new words every Tuesday or Thursday, depending on which day their test is.
My hope is to motivate students to bring home words and share what they are working on each week, with an adult. This could be in the form of a spelling list, or showing their word study notebook, etc. As a reward:
on Tuesdays/Thursdays, I will give all students who bring a signed note from a parent that they reviewed their words/rule 2 hawks tickets. On Wednesdays and Fridays a signed note will get a student a single hawks ticket.
Spelling tests will now be worth 32 points, with 15 points available for spelling (15) words correctly, 15 points available for (5) sentences (1 point for spelling words correctly, 1 point for proper grammar and 1 point for showing meaning of spelling word), and 2 points for correctly identifying their rule and sorting words correctly.