Can you believe the first week of November is almost over already? This school year is going by so quickly! Before we know it, it will be 2016! We have been having so much in school lately.. I guess time really does fly! We had an amazing Halloween! The theater we went to for the Ray Bradbury presentation was just beautiful! The chandeliers had us all mesmerized! Though, I think our favorite part about the building was the hidden closet we found under a set of stairs! There were lots of exclamations about finding “Harry Potter’s bedroom”!
The show was fun too! It started with a man playing an authentic drum from Zimbabwe and singing songs that had us all singing along to his beat. Then we heard storytellers present selections of Ray Bradbury’s works. Did you know that Mr. Bradbury lived in Waukegan? He even wrote about this town in some of his stories but he called it Greentown! It was very interesting!
We also completed and submitted out garden grant and are anxiously awaiting a reply! I get asked every day if I have heard back yet. I am supposed to be getting a notification some time in the next two weeks! We put together a very great proposal. It was exciting for me to watch the students test their writing skills to try to write at a more professional level! They were doing some research about plants native to this area, how we could incorporate a water element to our garden and even how we can go about including a bat house to give shelter to these pollinators! They all did a great job and our garden will be amazing no matter what the outcome of the grant.
This week, we have been very excited about the arival of our new desks and chairs! They make our classroom look like brand new! The students love being able to rock and bounce in the chairs and have been very protective (so far) of the surface of their desks making sure there are no marks left on them! Thank you so much to those of you that helped to set them up!