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Turner Tribune 12/15/17

Good afternoon,

We had our first snowy week at PCCS! Now that the winter weather is here, please make sure your child has a change of shoes for the classroom. Students may want to bring an extra bag each day next week to start taking home the contents of their locker. And speaking of break, we are still looking for a family to take Hershey, our class box turtle, home! Please respond if you would be interested; she is very low maintenance and can be left with fresh water and food over 2 or 3 day periods if you have short-term travel plans.


In Social Studies, students have been gathering information from a variety of sources to respond to a question regarding the impact agriculture had in ancient Mesopotamia. Additionally, students have been presenting their biography reports in ELA – there were some really great presentations! 6th Graders will be participating in the Six Flags “Read to Succeed” program this year. You can find more information and the requirements here. Students interested in participating were given a reading log this week; you can find additional copies of the reading log here, if needed. The deadline for the log to be turned in will be on Friday, February 23, 2018. This allows us enough time to complete all of the information required, by the Six Flags deadline. Happy reading!

The ⅚ winter party is coming up next week; please consider signing up here to donate items and/or volunteer your time from 11:45-12:45. Lastly, please review the following message from our music teacher, Ms. Klug, regarding dress code for the Winter Sing next Friday: All students are encouraged to wear festive holiday clothing or colors for the Winter Sing on December 22nd.  Students may wear any holiday colors, sweaters, or accessories like hats, reindeer antler headbands, etc. The goal is to celebrate the whole holiday season, so there is no specific requirement, as long as what they are wearing is appropriate for school.


Important Dates:

Tuesday, 12/19: Owl Prowl

Friday, 12/22: Winter Sing 8:30-9:30 in the gym; Winter Party 11:45-12:45, 1:00 Early Release

12/25-1/5: No School (Winter Break)

Wishing you a relaxing weekend!
Ms. Turner & Mr. Hurwitz