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Turner Times 9/7/18


It was another week packed with academic growth! Next week, we will continue applying the 6 traits of writing in ELA & start to design artifacts in Social Studies (as students apply what they have learned about conveying the values of a culture).

Also next week, PCCS will be celebrating *Spirit Week*. This correlates with Attendance Week and we look forward to your support in both students’ participation in the week’s activities as well as their daily school attendance. Our class will be competing for points in the following ways:

  • 5 points for each student in attendance, each day

  • 1 point for each student who participates in the theme, each day

  • 1 point for each student who brings a trash-free lunch, each day

  • 1 point for each student who helps decorate our classroom door

  • 1 point for each class held outside (weather permitting)

There are some whole-school prizes on the line and we’re excited to get the friendly competition going; we hope students are too! Please see the following theme-day schedule, and let us know if you have any questions or concerns:

  • Monday 9/10: Hat Day

  • Tuesday 9/11: Spirit Day (PCCS or Patriotic)

  • Wednesday 9/12: PJs or Sportswear Day

  • Thursday 9/13: Crazy Hair Day

  • Friday 9/14: Class Choice = Luau/Beach Day

Important Dates

Monday 9/10-Friday 9/14: Spirit/Attendance Week

Wednesday 9/12: F2T, 12:15-12:55 pm in the barn

Thursday 9/13: Lockdown drill, 9:30 am

Monday 9/17: Carson Building Curriculum Night, 6-7 pm

Wednesday 9/19: Early Release, 1pm; ⅚ Tomato Jubilee cooking 9a-12p


Please click here to donate/volunteer for our cooking day. Each ⅚ class will prep an offering or two for the meal; our class will be preparing the gazpacho and marinara sauce.

Have a great weekend!
-Ms. Turner and Mrs. Krissek