Turner Times 2/8/19 - Prairie Crossing Charter School

Turner Times 2/8/19

Greetings everyone,

This week students were able to get back into the swing of things! In ELA we completed students’ Global Issue presentations & introduced options for our dystopian literature circle novels. Lastly, students have started research on a dinosaur, to conclude our informational reading & writing unit. This report will be due before the end of the month; click here to review the rubric, a model report, helpful hints, etc.

In social studies, students began learning about the geography of the Nile. Soon, peers will be collaborating in their groups to design and create a 3D-map of the Nile River. You can find the rubric for this project here; it will be discussed with students early next week and completed entirely during class time.

As you may have seen from Mrs. Thorson, ⅚ will not be holding a Valentine’s Day party next week. Instead, students will celebrate a “spring break” party in March. If students would like to pass out Valentines on Thursday, please ensure they have one for every student in class – or they could create 1 Valentine for the entire homeroom that we could put on display in the room.

Important Dates

  • Thurs Feb 14: PBIS Celebration, 1:15 in the gym

  • Fri Feb 15: Teacher In-Service, Non-student Attendance Day

  • Mon Feb 18: President’s Day, No School

Have a wonderful weekend!
-Ms. Turner & Mrs. Krissek