Turner Times 11/20/18 - Prairie Crossing Charter School

Turner Times 11/20/18


Thank you to all who attended conferences. I am grateful for our partnerships and the chance to work with your children at school each day!

A few academic updates before the break:

  • ELA: students have selected a biography on a historical figure to read and eventually report about to the class; some students opted to hold off on reserving a biography from my library and instead wish to visit their local library over break. Thank you in advance for your support, if this was your child’s preference. Aside from the *option* to read their book, I would prefer that students not work on this over break, so we can discuss the report together in class.

  • SS: students will conclude our “Bones & Stones” unit by creating a “Systems of Primitive Time” comic-strip, description here. This has been introduced and students should know which specific system they will be creating a comic-strip for. It is not expected that students work on this over break.

  • Vocabulary: during our weekly “flex time” before lunch, both rooms have started to focus on academic-specific vocabulary. Students’ first quiz (on the first 15 words) will be after break; please use the document here to help keep track of vocabulary words and assignments. Words will be reviewed after break, prior to the quiz.


Have a safe and warm Thanksgiving break!

-Ms. Turner & Mrs. Krissek