Happy Friday everyone,
Students have been doing a stellar job so far this year! We spent time this week reviewing Author’s Purpose, as well as sentence types and prepositional phrases. Next week will be Six Traits Week in ELA! Each day will feature a mini-lesson on one of the six traits of writing, as well as an opportunity for students to practice, before we dive into our focus on the Personal Narrative.
In social studies, students improved their background knowledge of archaeology, and discussed a *top secret* creative culture project that we will be working on for the remainder of our unit. An *optional* extra credit interview assignment was also shared with students; please contact me if your child would like to complete the extra credit but needs help finding someone to interview.
Lastly, my homeroom met with our 2nd Grade buddies for the first time this year. Click here for photos!
Important Dates
9/9-9/13: Attendance Week
Monday: Hat/Hair day
Tuesday: Sports/Jersey day
Wednesday: PJ day
Thursday: Luau day
Friday: PCCS spiritwear day
9/12: Law Enforcement/Hard Lockdown Drill
Enjoy your weekend!
-Ms. Turner & Mr. Stewart