As we reach the end of October, we are excited to celebrate with a party for Halloween. Thank you to all of the parents working behind the scenes and/or in our classroom to make this party a success! Please remind your child that they may bring a Halloween costume to change into later in the day, but should wear normal school dress until then. Tomorrow we will also have our first Market Day. This is a chance for the 5/6 students to sell items and purchase items from others using the money they have earned from their classroom jobs. This is always a fun experience as students “shop” in all four of the 5/6 classrooms. Market Day will be held before the Halloween party tomorrow.
Tuesday will be our November Green Challenge assembly focusing on PCCS Values – Environmental Learning, Academic Excellence, Partnerships with Parents, and Personal Responsibility. Wednesday will be an Early Release day, and Friday is the last day of the first trimester. Please expect report cards to come home and parent/teacher conference sign ups to go out (via email) on Friday, November 11th. Friday, November 11th at 8:30 will also be our school wide Veteran’s Day celebration. If you or someone in your family is a veteran, we hope you will join us for this very important day.
As we finish the last three chapters of Esperanza Rising, we will continue working on our five paragraph essay. Everyone should already have the rough draft of two of those paragraphs written in their ELA notebook. These paragraphs are responses to questions from two different parts of the book. We will be working on the third body paragraph this week, and finally, put the whole essay together by mid-November. In science, we just started a group Conservation City project where we will be making our own “green city” to wrap up our unit on natural resources and sustainability.