We are excited to see you all for Student Led conferences tomorrow and Friday. Your students have been working hard on a digital portfolio to share with you highlighting their work and accomplishments from their 5th grade school year so far. Please remember that we will have an Early Release on both Thursday and Friday this week.
If you are in the market for any new books, we will also hold our Scholastic Book Fair during the conference times.
Next week, all 5th grade students will take the Illinois Science Assessment in the afternoon.This exam is required of all 5th and 8th grade students in the state. Mrs. Neil’s class will take the test on Monday afternoon and Mr. Barber’s class will take the test on Tuesday afternoon. No preparation is needed for this test outside of a good night’s sleep the night before and a good breakfast in the morning. Please let me know if you have any questions about the exam.
And finally, we will hold an informational meeting about our upcoming 5/6 camp-out on Wednesday, March 21st at 6:00 p.m. The meeting is intended for parents only and will be held in one of the 5/6 classrooms. You will receive important paperwork and other details about the trip at this meeting. Please mark your calendars. Thank you!