Salutations families,
As you all know, Prairie Crossing seeks to keep the environment at the center of everything we do. This week we wish to share some environmentally-based updates with families.
Throughout the year, students will have both designated EE classes AND will see environmental topics woven into our curriculum over the course of the year. For example, yesterday students completed a “plant parts” slideshow during EE class, which intertwines with our introduction to systems thinking in social studies this week.
Ms. Naomi has again created a Prairie Crossing Charter School team for the Eco-Challenge, which runs Oct. 7-28. This is a global online event/challenge where you can choose things that you will do to help the environment and earn points for your team — and help the planet — by completing the actions. PCCS invites you all to join the Prairie Crossing Charter School team by going to this link. Similarly, if your child/family are looking for activities to do outdoors, consider checking out the Seek app. It is a student-friendly version of a resource many staff at PCCS use called iNaturalist.
Lastly, we want to touch-base regarding learning environments at home. Staff have noticed some students are using additional devices during class at times and we want to send a friendly reminder that it is an expectation to only use approved devices (mainly the chromebook) during class periods. Please join us in checking that activities like video game play or cell phone use are saved for more appropriate times of the day. Thank you for your partnership!
Important Notes
Fri 9/4, Early Release 1 PM (Teacher In-service)
Mon 9/7, Labor Day (No School)
Friday 9/11, Curriculum pick-up/drop-off day*
*PLEASE drop off your original curriculum bag to the office if you have not already. (Bags need to quarantine for several days before staff can fill them with new supplies so the sooner they are returned the better.)
Have a wonderful long weekend!
-Ms. Turner & the Sixth Grade Team