Greetings 6th grade community,
Next week we officially transition to Phase 4B-Hybrid Learning! As we enter this next phase of the year, please know we will continue to work together and problem solve as needed. Thank you to the families that communicated with us directly this week; please know how much we value your feedback! Regardless of which format your family has determined is best suited to your needs, next week we embark on a new part of our adventure together.
In case you missed our email earlier this week, please be sure to review the following important documents prior to Monday:
Updated Supply List – please see this note from our school nurse Ms. Coyle, regarding hand sanitizer
Updated Daily Schedule – all students have their custom copy on the ELA/SS Google Classroom
This week:
In ELA: students completed their first Greek/Latin roots quiz, and did fantastic! They also got to listen to peers’ biography report presentations, celebrate accomplishments of several historical figures in recognition of Black History Month, and learn about the history of instant replay in sports.
In Social Studies: students wrapped up our Empires unit on Ancient Mesopotamia this week. They had a chance to review with a Jeopardy game designed by Ms. Chow beforehand. Next week we will be easing into our new unit, with some compare/contrast activities related to river valley civilizations.
In Science: we had not taken a quiz on Structure of Life topics yet, so we spent some time reviewing and then showed off what we knew this Friday. Next week will bring us to Plant and Animal cells and we will finally learn what a nucleus is!
In Math: Math A has been rocking those coordinate planes with ordered pairs and quadrants. Math B is writing expressions for all sorts of mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and exponents.
Important Dates
Wed Feb 10: Valentine’s Party, 12-1pm
Thurs Feb 11: Early Release, 1pm
Fri Feb 12: No School, Teacher In-service
Mon Feb 15: No School, Presidents Day
-Ms. Turner & the Sixth Grade Team