Happy Friday everyone,
Today is the last day of the first trimester. If your child was trying to locate/complete any last minute work, we will accept assignments through Monday at 2:30. Report cards will be sent home next Friday, and today at 3pm, you will be sent your Conferences Sign-up link from your child’s homeroom teacher.
This week:
In ELA: students wrapped up their second workshopped narrative, completed week 3 vocabulary practice, and a paired passage on the origination of the words “falsehood” and “slothful”. Mrs. Wright’s homeroom students also started reading Dar and the Spear-thrower.
In Social studies: students created cave art, and shared its meaning with the class via FlipGrid. They then got to reflect on this experience before wrapping up the week by diving into our studies of hunter/gatherers – designing a Stone Age restaurant menu was their asynchronous assignment this afternoon, and can be worked on over the weekend.
In Science: we are learning about the layers of the Earth and discovering more about plate tectonics. We finally put that play-doh to good use making Earth layer models. It was a lot of fun.
In Math: Math A is continuing to work on dividing fractions by fractions and mixed numbers. They also started manipulating decimals with addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Some Math B students have been taking the lead to walk their classmates through the material in Module 3. Topics include rational numbers, Opposite of opposite, etc. The students who have taught have done such a nice job!
Important Dates
Today, Nov 13: End of Trimester; ER day, 1PM dismissal
Friday, Nov 20: Curriculum Bag pick-up/drop-off, 3-4 pm
Mon/Tues Nov 23/24: Conferences, 1PM dismissal days
-Ms. Turner & the Sixth Grade Team