Hello 6th grade community,
Have a wonderful spring break everyone! A few important pieces of information to share before going into this next week off from school:
- If your child is up for it, please consider using break as an opportunity to review Powerschool for any potential missing assignments that could be worked on. Students should be finishing their literature circle books over spring break!
- The school hopes to move into Phase 4C by April 12th. Please fill out the survey at your earliest convenience, to share whether you plan for your child to attend school remotely or in-person.
- If interested, consider joining Admin on Zoom (link TBD) for a 4C listening session/Q&A on March 29th at 5:45 pm (5PM for Comstock building).
- On April 1st, Mrs. Meyer (PCCS’s social worker) will be joining the 6th graders for the annual Erin’s Law presentation; please read her informational letter here.
Important Dates
Mon March 22-Fri March 26: Spring Break, no school
Fri April 2: Curriculum pick-up day
-The Sixth Grade Team