Happy New Year 6th grade,
Welcome back to all and happy 2021! Students did a fabulous job this week getting back into our routine, being prompt for class Zooms, targeting new topics for assignments, etc. We’ve missed them and are excited to continue forward with our year together!
In preparation of the upcoming biography report students will complete in ELA, your child may wish to visit the local library. I also offered students the opportunity to check out a biography book from school, so please contact me if you would prefer this option.
This week:
In ELA: students started studying greek and latin roots, using a hardcopy packet from our past curriculum bag. This packet will serve as their source of vocabulary work for all of January. Additionally, students took notes on the research process.
In Social studies: this week students began working on Mesopotamia task mini-projects as a means of showing their learning in relation to one of five categories (government, religion, art, jobs or writing) for a different project. They also completed part 2 of the unit’s Interactive Notebook.
In Science: we started a choice project to get everyone back into the swing of things. This project is due Thursday the 14th. If students have a physical project, they will turn it in at Thursday’s supply pick up.
In Math: Math A has begun a new module dealing with integers, numbers lines, and more. Math B has started a new module that will involve expressions and equations.
Important Dates
Monday Jan 11: New Student Teacher (Ms. Chow) joins us in ELA & Social Studies
Wednesday Jan 13: T2 Midterm Grades emailed home
Thursday, Jan 14: Curriculum Exchange 3-4pm, in the gym
Friday, Jan 15: Early Release Day, 1pm dismissal (Last day to complete the Scripps qualifying Spelling Bee exam)
Monday, Jan 18: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
Ms. Turner & the Sixth Grade Team