As we wrap up our 2019 school year, we look forward to 2020 with much excitement and enthusiasm! The growth we continue to see in your students and their efforts to do their best work is amazing. Thank you all for the support you continue to give your students at home.
In ELA this week we will receive new spelling lists on Monday with activities due on Thursday and our test on Friday. A couple of our spelling groups are piloting a new program, Spelling City, which allows them to practice their words using a series of online activities. We are hoping to make this program available to more students as the year progresses. Currently, any student who has been given access to the program will submit all activities digitally rather than on paper. For the rest of the week, we will focus on several short reading passages that will enable both classes to practice their reading comprehension skills by using text evidence to understand the author’s meaning.
In social studies, we will review the material from our Constitution and Government unit for the test on Tuesday. This test will have matching, multiple choice, and fill in the blank questions. Two study guides have been assigned in Google Classroom and both are due on Tuesday. There is also an extra credit assignment in Google Classroom that is due on Monday. After winter break, we will begin a short research paper on a National Park. Details will be shared when we return, but if your child has a park they are passionate about, you may want to help them locate library materials to use for research. We will primarily use print materials – rather than the Internet – for this project and the printed materials available at school only cover a select few parks.
Mrs. Neil and Mrs. Zimmerman’s class will enjoy Taco Tuesday this week as recognition for their fundraising efforts in our school wide United Way drive. Please remember to send your child with a plate and utensils on that day. Friday will begin with our Winter Sing at 8:30 in the gym, followed by the 5/6 Marketplace, and our holiday party at 11:45 before Early Release.
We wish you and your families a Winter Break filled with much joy and peace,
Mrs. Neil and Mrs. Zimmerman
Upcoming Events:
2/14/19 Poms Woodland Invitational 8:00 am-12:00 pm
12/18/19 Student vs Staff Basketball Game 2:30 pm
12/20/19 PCCS Winter Sing 8:30 am
12/20/19 Holiday Parties 11:45 am
12/20/19 Early Release 1:00 pm
12/23/19 Winter Break
1/06/20 School Resumes
01/10/20 Natural Leaders Assemb