This week we spent time outside in social studies, setting up and experiencing our archaeological dig simulation in the garden beds. Next week students will begin artifact reconstruction, making inferences about the mysterious culture they are investigating, and prepare a museum exhibit to share their findings with the opposite homeroom class.
In ELA, students received their first novel of the year, a selection from one of the following: Stargirl, Tangerine, Mockingbird, Out of my Mind and Rules. All novel options feature characters that allow the reader to build their empathy skills while studying high quality characterization in a narrative. To go along with the book, students should also complete the first literature circle role in their packet – by next Thursday or Friday for their group’s meeting. We also took guided notes about characterization, and will continue to view writing and reading through this lens for the remainder of our unit. Ask your child about the Science of Character video we watched today to celebrate World Character Day!
A few quick notes:
Information regarding our fall field trip was emailed home Tuesday. This trip will be for all 6th graders to visit the Milwaukee Public Museum on October 9th to participate in a Crossroads of Civilization artifact experience w/a museum docent.
Click here for info on a Soccer Shootout Challenge taking place at the end of the month
Check out the latest club starting in the Carson Building, Toastmasters!
Important Dates
Tues Oct 1: Midterms, emailed home
Wed Oct 2: Field trip payment ($28) due today
Thank you,
Ms. Turner & Mr. Stewart