This past week zoomed by! Sincere thanks to everyone who volunteered/donated to make today’s Jubilee such a success! Also this week, students got to preview the first set of novels we will be utilizing for our characterization focus in ELA. Their assigned novel and lit circle packet will be passed out next week. In social studies, students completed artifact construction and museum cards. This means we are ready to begin burying artifacts in preparation of our dig, next week. Please have students dress for the weather, as we will be outside unless there are thunderstorms.
A couple of notes:
In case you were not able to join us at Curriculum Night this week, click here for the slideshow presentation and please contact us with any questions.
As a reminder, the log-in information to the PCCS website is:
Username: PCCSparent
Password: PCCS@1999-2020
Click here to check out Mrs. Larson’s Pokemon Club, taking place in November
Important Dates
Wed, 9/25: Farm-to-Table, 12:15-12:55 in the barn
Fri, 9/27: Fire Drill
Tues, 10/1: Midterm, grade reports emailed home
Have a stellar weekend!
-Ms. Turner & Mr. Stewart