Greetings families,
This week students did a great job diving into their official ELA and Social Studies curriculum! In ELA we’ve started the read aloud book Because of Mr. Terupt and in writing we are reviewing Author’s Purpose prior to our Personal Narrative unit. Our first Social Studies unit of the year is called Dig and focuses on culture & archaeology – be sure to ask your child about the Nacirema culture we read about in class.A few quick notes:
For anyone interested in building your at-home library, please consider using our 6th grade code if/when shopping for books via Scholastic: 1FFDY. It earns the classroom points to shop with
Today’s reading NWEA testing was rescheduled for Tuesday at 1:45 pm
If your parent is interested in volunteering at school this year, please be sure they complete and return this form to the office
Important Dates
9/2: Labor Day, No School
9/3: Bus Safety Drill, 6th grade at 9:40 am; Reading NWEA at 1:45 pm
9/9-9/13: Attendance Week (themes TBA)
9/12: Law Enforcement/Hard Lockdown Drill
Happy weekend!
-Ms. Turner & Mr. Stewart