First and foremost:
Turner homeroom families may click here to sign up for a student-led conference on March 12th.
Hershiser homeroom families will receive a separate link via email, from Mr. Hershiser or Mrs. Anderson.
Linked here is a parent guide about making the most of a student-led conference. In classes this week, students reviewed making inferences and continued their dystopian novels in ELA. They also wrapped up their group map of the Nile in Social Studies (click here for photos) and wrote a historical fiction narrative about exploring ancient Egypt
Please mark your calendars for April 1st, when PCCS will begin our Illinois Assessment of Readiness state testing. More specific details regarding scheduling will be shared as soon as they are available.
Lastly, we have made arrangements for a field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry during Earth Week! A fee of $12 has been billed to your student’s account via Powerschool/Edutrak and payment is due by March 20th. Payment by check, cash or credit card will be accepted for the field trip fee; please click here for directions on how to pay via credit card. If you need additional time please email Kim Disalvo at for payment arrangements. Finally, please contact us if you are interested in joining the fun, as a chaperone. We will select a candidate by March 20th as well. Thank you!
Important Dates
Thurs 3/5: Fire Drill, 9:30
Fri 3/6: T2 Report Card emailed home
-Ms. Turner & Mr. Stewart