Greetings all,
This week in ELA, students analyzed a goal they set for themselves at the start of the year – they will be updating you on their progress at conferences next week. Also, students started our informational reading/writing unit by selecting a historical figure to read a biography about. Students were offered ~40 historical figures to choose from, but were also encouraged to check their local library for a book about someone they are truly interested in. Based on student feedback from trimester 1, they were also given information about the writing piece that will accompany this reading – to help be aware of what they will be doing with the information they read about – hard-copies were provided and that information can also be found here.
In social studies, students read about Megaliths and drafted some beautiful found poems using the reading passage as source material. These will be on display during conferences, so be sure to check them out! Also, students received information about their unit closure assignment, a comic based on a system from primitive times. Click here to learn more about this assignment.
Lastly, congrats to my class for earning 400 puzzle pieces for showing respect, integrity, responsibility and self-control! We enjoyed a stylish PJ day while celebrating with a video at the end of the day.
Important Dates
- Mon/Tues, Nov 25/26: Early release, 1 pm; Conferences
- Wed-Fri, Nov 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
-Ms. Turner & Mr. Stewart