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Ringing in the New Year

Happy 2016 everyone!  Only 4 months and 26 days until the end of the school year (but who’s counting… hehe)! Time sure does fly when you are having fun!  

The students have been having a blast this week as volcano week is in full eruption!  We have been tracing the path of our exploding volcanoes using playdough to represent the flowing lava.  On Monday, we will trade our volcanoes with another group and dissect them to model how scientists use sections of the hardened lava to research the volcano’s history.  This is such a fun project to watch as they explore! 

“A flock of flirting flamingos is pure, passionate, pink pandemonium – a frenetic flamingle-mangle – a discordant discotheque of delirious dancing, flamboyant feathers, and flamingo lingo.”  -Charley Harper

Our grade-band has started learning about an artist named Charley Harper.  Mr. Harper has a very creative and whimsical approach to his art pieces and the writing he uses to describe his pieces.  The students will be using Harper’s work to study language devices ( such as: alliteration, consonance, assonance, and onomonopia), and discovering how word play can enhance a work of art.  The students will then be challenged to create their own Harper inspired creation.  Working together with Mr. Thomas to make their art and working in their homeroom classes to research an animal and create a writing piece to accompany their piece.  Once completed, we will be having an art exhibit to display their masterpieces to their friends and family.  

Progress reports went out today.  Please sign and return with your child next week.  As a grade-band, we are trying to get a better grasp  on our missing assignments.  Please help your child to stay on top of this by checking with them that their homework is completed and turned in.  You can always check on powerschool as grades are kept pretty u-to-date there.  Monday and Tuesdays are our WINN time.  If your child has missing work, they will be required to give up their elective for study hall to finish their missing work.  Checking powerschool Thursday nights would be a wonderful way to make sure we are all on top of things!  

Have a wonderful weekend!  Stay safe and warm!  Don’t forget that next Friday is an early release and there is no school Monday January 18th.