I have a few random reminders to send out:
- If you are interested in chaperoning the camp-out for our class, please fill out this questionnaire. This is where you can register and give us some background on prior camping experience. We will only be allowed to take 3 parents, so this form may be a determining factor.
- Students should be practicing their wax museum speech at home in front of family members or a mirror.
- If you have not already sent your child to school with a wire hanger, please do so. If everyone who has not already brought one brings in one tomorrow, we will have more than enough for our masks.
- With spring break around the corner, I am looking for a family who would be interested in taking care of Hershey for the duration of spring break. She would come with a fairly large cage, a box of pellets and 2 heat lamps. If you are interested, please let me know.
Thank you, all! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Roxanne Turner
5th Grade Teacher
Prairie Crossing Charter School