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McGarry Newsletter 9/30/22

Ms. McGarry’s Newsletter

September 30th, 2022



   The students began working on Unit 2 with an activity to create a class 10,000 array that was posted on the wall. They also took a pre-assessment to give them the opportunity to see what they will be learning about. In the upcoming weeks the students will continue to work through Unit 2. 



    The students worked on writing their own versions of what they think would have happened had more people tried to befriend the main character in the book La Mariposa by Francisco Jimenez. They also worked on Word Study on words that have the “au” sound. I will be continuing to conduct individual reading assessments for the student’s reading levels throughout the coming days of school.



    The students have continued to work through the writing workshop. Throughout the past few weeks, we have been learning about realistic fiction writing. The students began typing the rough draft of their realistic fiction stories as well as learned how important revision is to the process of writing. In the upcoming weeks the students will work on making revisions and understanding the importance of their characters having flaws in their writings.


Science and Environmental Education

   The students went on an ECOHeroes field trip on Friday where they learned about different ways that they can be an “eco-hero” and make a difference in the environment themselves. Thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to join the class on the field trip. On Monday the students will be harvesting sweet potatoes that were planted last season with Ms. Naomi.


   During our science class, we continued our lesson on the forest. The students worked through their slideshow presentation and they explored independently. The students also did a lesson on phenology where they noticed the changes that have occurred in the area now that it is fall. The students will continue learning about the forest next week and complete a mural in the class.


Dates to Save



  • October 6th – Early release
  • October 7th – no school- Institute Day
  • October 10th – no school- Indigenous Peoples Day
  • October 11th – Picture Retake Day