It sounds like our blanket of snow may get a bit heavier with the storm that is forecasted this week. There should be plenty of sledding – and shoveling

– opportunities heading our way!
ELA News: We will begin graphic organizers to plan the first draft of our Persuasive Essays this week as we explore the topic of developing technology and how it will impact our lives in the future. So far, our class discussions on these technologies – self driving cars and robots – have led us to some interesting conclusions. We’re excited to begin putting some of these ideas on paper! Most of us have finished our first letter to our Pen Pals and as soon as everyone is ready, we will send those off to our new friends. And finally, we have made the transition to our new online spelling program, KidsA-Z, and spelling tests for Week 5 will be given on the 27th. Activities for Week 5 are also due on that day. New words will then be assigned for more practice. Please note that these new words were sent home in the orange folders under the label, “Week of 1/20-1/27” but should be corrected to “Week of 1/27-2/3”.
Social Studies News: After a busy week of learning more about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Presidential Inauguration, we will begin our study of the three branches of government. These activities will be assigned online through Google Classroom starting with the Executive Branch. We will also read the Time for Kids magazines that were sent home in the last materials pick-up and quizzes will be assigned to check for understanding.
Shin Math News: Last week, students completed Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rates and began reviewing for the End-of-Module Assessment. Students will take their Module 1 Assessment on Tuesday (Jan. 26). Then, students will begin their study of Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions. Students will continue their study of Module 2 until its conclusion at February’s end.
Psimaras Math News: Students are working on their math packet this week. Students will use the traditional algorithm and lattice methods of multiplication as another way to solve problems. Students are also learning about the coordinates and how to plot them on the coordinate grid. Students are also reviewing the Powers of Ten with exponent notation. Completed math packets are due in their supply folders on Friday.
Science News: Students continued to work hard on their Biome Projects this week and present them in small groups this week. The study of climate continues as we understand precipitation in our area. Students will be asked to find a spot around their house to measure the total accumulation of snow and compare their measurements to the predicted/stated local weather channels.
EE News: We have fantastic news to share! Ms. Naomi announced to the students that the grant for our pollinator gardens was approved! We look forward to the planting process in the spring. We also spent some time talking more about food waste. This week during guided learning groups, the students will reflect and write about how food waste can impact our environment and how our families can make a difference by increasing their awareness of the food waste in their homes. Let’s see if we all can make positive changes to help our environment. An optional Food Waste Contest is being offered to the students. The information is in this link: 2021 Poster, Prose & Poetry Contest: Fight Food Waste. Students who opt to submit their entries for the contest should email Ms. Naomi before this Friday, January 29th.
This Wednesday we will have another visit from Mrs. Gernady and Mrs. Meyer to help us process our feelings and enhance our social and emotional health. This is a great time to work through the many emotions we’ve experienced this year. Always feel free to reach out to Mrs. Gernady or Mrs. Meyer if additional support is needed.
“I Need Help” form
Information was sent home at the last materials pick up about the Kids Heart Challenge. We hope you’ll consider participating in this important event. Our school has set a goal for 216 families to participate. Your child can sign up using the website below or by downloading the KidsHeartChallenge App on your smartphone or tablet:
Important Dates:
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 – Phase 4B Listening Session 5:30 pm 5th-8th grade
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 – Board Meeting
Friday, January 29. 2021 – No school- E-Learning Planning Day
Friday, January 29, 2021 – Materials Pick-Up
Thursday, February 11, 2021 – Early Release-Teacher in-service
Friday, February 12, 2021 – No School-Teacher in-service
Monday, February 15, 2021 – No School- Presidents Day