I truly believe in the power of the sun to renew and strengthen us, particularly after a cold and icy winter. I hope you all have had a chance to soak up some of the sun this weekend!
When checking email this morning, I noticed some of you were having trouble viewing your child’s report card online. If you are still having trouble, please contact the office on Monday. They will be able to help you. If, on the other hand, you are having trouble accessing the “Sign Up Genius” for student led conferences, please let us know. We can help you with that.
We have talked with the students about 2nd trimester grades as some students were disappointed to see their grades slipping. As the year continues, and the work becomes more difficult, we are encouraging all students to challenge themselves using a growth mindset. Promoted by Stanford University professor, Carol Dweck, a growth mindset encourages students to look at an unfamiliar concept or a challenging assignment and approach the work with persistence, effort, and new learning strategies that will enable them to be successful. We want each student to believe “they can do hard things,” and we are committed to doing what we can to help them realize their full potential.
A few parents have asked recently what they should do at home to support this growth. Helping your child stay on top of homework assignments is a great start. In addition to each student filling out their assignment notebooks each day, Ms. Bonicontro and Mr. Siegel also update the online Homework Calendar. You can access this calendar from our webpages using the “Homework” tab. You can also bookmark this page on your toolbar for a quick link. In addition, Ms. Bonicontro will be sending home missing work reports each Monday. If your child brings home a missing work report, please sign and return it to school the following day. Any missing work not completed by Thursday will be done during Academic Recess. We are hoping these changes will help your students have a successful 3rd trimester!
We will have our Green Challenge assembly this Tuesday at 8:15 and there will be an Early Release on Thursday, March 8th and Friday, March 9th for student led conferences. Also, plans are in the works for our 5/6 Spring Break party on March 23rd. Please reach out to our room parents, Mrs. Martinek and Mrs. McCormick, if you are available to help.