With an extra day at the end of the month as well as the end of the trimester, this promises to be a special week! Recently we asked all of our students to complete a reflection of their year so far. Please take a moment to talk about this reflection with your child. Also, please sign and return to school. This is a great way for everyone to set goals for the next trimester.
In ELA, we will return to our spelling sorts and test this week. And our Literature Circles will meet again on Tuesday. Students should have completed their Week 3 reading and “job” so they are prepared for their group discussion. These discussions went well last time we met, and I enjoyed listening to the thoughts your students had about the reading. We will also continue to work on our inference skills with some short reading passages. New reading logs will be given to the students on Monday and should be signed and returned by Friday. It is exciting to see the reading stamina of your students increase as they practice this skill at home. I recently read a statistic that a student who reads 20 minutes a day will encounter 1.8 million words each year! We are so proud of our 5th grade readers!!
In social studies we will finish our opinion writing on why we should protect our national parks. The students learned a lot from the Newsela articles they read and, using evidence found in the text, wrote some great opinion pieces. We will have class time to finish this writing on Monday and we’ll be ready to begin our US geography unit on Tuesday. The geography unit is divided into five U.S. regions. As we learn each region, students can expect a states and capitals quiz. These quizzes cover 8-12 states and students will be asked to locate the states on a map and correctly list the capital of that state. We have many study aids in the classroom – games, puzzles, flashcards, and online resources – to help them as they study.
Upcoming Events:
02/24/2020 – Board Meeting @7:00pm – Agenda
02/26/2020 – Early Release 1:00pm
02/28/2020 – End 2nd Trimester
03/04/2020 – Lounge Angels
03/07/2020 – Hike The Divide screening at the One Earth Film Festival @1:00pm in the Gaylord Nelson Gymnasium.
03/09/2020 – 2020/2021 Lottery 7:00pm
03/11/20020 – Farm to Table