As we prepare for a possible snowfall this week-end and look forward to Thanksgiving break, spirits are high in our classroom! We enjoyed another delicious Farm to Table event this past Wednesday as we learned about carrots and other root vegetables. A heartfelt thanks goes out to the many parents who volunteer their time to help with the food preparation and service.
In ELA this week, we have been learning about extinction as we practice our reading skills with non-fiction texts. This background knowledge, coupled with the ability to comprehend non-fiction, will be valuable to have as we prepare to begin our research project on dinosaurs soon. In social studies, we created our own tools from natural materials, presented them to the class, and evaluated their performance outside. We had an impressive assortment of spears, bows, and arrows!
Now that the new trimester has gotten underway, we are again reminding our class about the importance of turning in assignments on time. During study hall, we stress the importance of recording homework in assignment notebooks, and we give daily reminders of missing work. Thank you so much for supporting your child at home to ensure that homework is completed!
Please don’t forget to bring in donations to the Holiday Bazaar, which will take place on December 3rd. And finally, the book fair will be here on November 23rd and 24th. Ms. Turner has a wishlist for our class if you would be interested in purchasing a book for our classroom library. Thank you!!
Ms. Turner is looking forward to meeting with all of you for parent/teacher conferences next Monday and Tuesday. We hope you have a relaxing Thanksgiving break and enjoy time with your family and friends!