After one week of school, I can say I am very happy to be a member of the Prairie Crossing Charter School family. The first week of school was a whirlwind of activity! It was a pleasure to meet and begin to know all of the seventh and eighth grade students.
In homeroom, we spent time getting to know each other and bond as a group. On the first day of school, Ms. B. (our IA) and I really enjoyed playing games outside and getting to know our students while sharing some M&Ms. If you haven’t already heard, ask your 7th grader who won the newspaper tower contest we did later in the week during homeroom time. Our first solo spot nature outing went great, and Ms. B and I really liked the spot we visited by Prairie Smoke Pond. We will visit some other spots before deciding on one to visit throughout the year. We also have gone over class rules and assigned classroom jobs, and our students are doing a great job keeping the room in order. We have discussed ways of being respectful, responsible and safe on a daily basis in our homeroom, and I’ve seen improvements already during the first week. All in all, I think we are off to a great start!
In math classes during the first week, a syllabus was sent home to inform both students and parents what is required and what will be covered in math class this year. These were to be signed by parents and returned last Thursday. We also completed a standards-based assessment of the previous year’s curriculum in each math class in order to identify any areas we may need to review. On Friday, each math class began Unit 1. This week, on Thursday, August 27th, all 7th and 8th grade students will take the NWEA assessments. The results of these assessments will be used to place students in the appropriate math class. If any students will be changing math classes, I will be sure to contact their parents/guardians. I am looking forward to a fun and successful year in math! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.