Happy moon gazing! How exciting to see the full moon at the same time we are beginning a study of the moon and its phases in science. In fact, this moon study wraps up our Earth science unit this week, and we will most likely have our unit test either Friday or next Monday. From there we will move into our next unit on cells.
In ELA we have three pages left to finish our read aloud novel, Redwall. The wonderful vocabulary in this book easily lends itself to a vocabulary study which will include synonyms, antonyms, and parts of speech. Each student will become an “expert” on a word they have chosen, and we will, in turn, teach each other what we learn. And after a short break, we are back to practicing our letter writing skills with our TWAS letters. If you haven’t seen your child’s letter this week-end, you may want to ask them about it.
Our Green Challenge this month is reducing our carbon footprint. We brainstormed ways we can accomplish this, and later this month we will be tracing our footprint to make an official pledge. Please consider discussing this topic as a family to see what ways you can work together to make a difference!
We were so impressed with the mature, professional way your students prepared and led conferences last week. They put a lot of time into their electronic portfolios, and we hope you enjoyed the presentation of their accomplishments. This has been a year of tremendous growth, and they should all be very proud of themselves and their achievements. We certainly are!
Please remember that we have an early release this Wednesday.