Last week the students were given options of different books within their Fountas and Pinnell reading level range. The students were given a brief summary of each book and then rated their top 3 choices. After the students provided Ms. Turner and I with their choices, we then put the students into groups of 3-4 based on interest. The groups are as follows:
Bridge to Terabithia: GC, NT, MR
Sign of the Beaver: JM, JH, MM, AV
Tangerine: CE, AJ, SS, AC
Maniac Magee: NKR, EP, GW, GP
Corner of the Universe: AM, NC, NP, LB
Enders Game: TA, GL, IP, BS
The students were also given literature circle role packets with descriptions of each role and examples. The students will rotate roles within their group for each section of the book they read. The roles include: Discussion Director, Character Sketcher, Passage Picker, and Word Wizard. The first section of reading was assigned tonight and can be found on the homework calendar. There will be some reading assigned over spring break so be sure to check the homework calendar tomorrow to see what needs to be read by March 30th. The students are very excited about these book groups and I’m looking forward to seeing how our first literature circle experience of the school year goes 🙂