I hope you enjoy viewing my newsletter on the web page. If you have any comments, please let me know!
Here’s what we did:
In third grade math, students continued working on multiplication. I sent home a letter to parents earlier this week. This letter offered extension activity ideas to do at home. We have been looking at multiplication many different ways, including as repeated addition. We’ve been playing lots of games, such as “lifeboat” and “counting around the room”. It gives students the chance to experience multiplication in a tangible way. Students are still getting a Common Core review packet to complete during the week. We work on some pages of the book packet in class. Some pages are to be completed as homework. If your child does work at home, please encourage your child to double-check their work and take their time.
In fourth grade math, the students started a new unit extending their multiplication and division skills. We are moving beyond the math facts and into mental math, multiples of 10, breaking down larger problems, estimating, and showing a picture. The students have learned each of these skills already and are now applying them with more complicated math problems. In the next two weeks, the students will learn traditional multiplication, and start larger division problems. Please continue to work with your child on double checking their math and knowing their facts!
In Social Studies, the students learned about spirit animals in Native American culture. Each student was chosen by their own spirit animal. They will create a papier mache mask of this animal before break.
We are continuing to learn about animal adaptations. This will be integrated with a study the life cycles of plants and animals.
In Word Study, students are continuing to work on their Bingo sheets. Your child should do one activity a night. They also do one activity during school. These short activities reinforce word patterns and teach the meaning of the vocabulary words.
Students practiced reading to a partner, listening to reading at a station, built stamina with independent reading and did creative writing during writer’s workshop.
Students also grammar conventions with worksheets and authentic writing exercises that reinforced grammar skills.
This month’s green challenge is to use less stuff. During the assembly, where we sat with our Book Buddies, the students considered what makes them truly happy. Is it actually more stuff or less tangible things. This is such an important idea to keep in mind in December.
The students were introduced to the activities involved with earning the “Y” key for Earthkeepers.
In a true example of reusing and recycling, students enthusiastically shopped for family and friends at the Holiday Bazaar. Thank you so much to all the families who made this happen. It was wonderful to see the students’ excitement at this special event as they shopped for gently reused, re-gifted, recycled items.
Wednesday, December 17th: Early Release
Thursday, December 18th; Winter Sing
Friday, December 19th: All Day Colonial Event-Please consider volunteering at this event
Friday December 19th: Holiday Party
December 20th: First day of the Winter Break
January 5th, 2015: School Reconvenes
– What spirit animal chose you?
– What word do you almost always see in the future tense?
– What are you working on during Writer’s Workshop, (independent writing)?
– What is one way you can save more energy as part of your Y key journey?
Moving forward, please see their teacher pages for news from Specials Teachers.
PCCS is hosting an outreach event on Saturday, December 20th. The event is a Holiday Open House, complete with crafts, story times, and other activities—and a book give away to each child who comes!
We need your support! Would you be willing to donate one or two new or like-new children’s books (of any reading level–picture book, chapter book, novels, etc.) for us to give at this event? Books can be dropped off to the bins right outside the main office (lower level of the Kennicott Building). We know this is a busy time of year, but this is a perfect opportunity for us to spread our reach to other areas of our district and help others at the same time. Please contact Dil Dybas with any questions. Thanks for your help.