Today, for P day, we kicked off a mini poetry unit by reading and writing a few poems. We’ll continue working with poetry next week! Each child brought home their poem from today, so please take some time to read it with them.
In writing, students were asked to write from the prompt, “If you could only chose to eat fruits or vegetables for the rest of your life, which would you choose?” There were many many students who really struggled to make a decision on this one…but there were lots of great discussions about favorite fruits and vegetables!
I’m passing out Scholastic Flyers today. For a reason unknown to me, we were only given the younger flyers. You can get to the others on the scholastic website. I’m going to do a quick turn around and submit orders on Tuesday so that we receive them by the end of the year. If you haven’t ordered ever, here’s our class activation code: https://orders.scholastic.com/NBK6D This will be our last order for this school year. Thank you to everyone that has ordered this year! You’ve helped us earn new and free books for our classroom library!
Next week is short week at school, but there will be some prep for ABC countdown if we earn them. Here’s a preview of our needs:
Tuesday- nothing needed
Wednesday- spirit day: wear PCCS clothes or green, white, or black
Thursday-talent day: tell us about a special talent you have (students can bring a picture or other artifact as well)
Friday- uniform day: wear a uniform or clothes that support your favorite sport team