Classroom Update 2/24 - Prairie Crossing Charter School

Classroom Update 2/24

This morning we got to attend Starlab with Ms. Naomi! It is one of my very very favorite activities and I hope your child comes home excited to tell you all about it!  We also did a science activity where students learned how to make shadows shorter and longer. See if they can make shadows grow and shrink at home tonight if you have a flashlight available.
Don’t forget: Farm to Table tomorrow!
From Mrs. Chaney:
I am in charge of food for the Father/Daughter dance this year on Friday, March 6th, and we would welcome any help.  The theme of the dance this year is Sock Hop, and so, we are going with a 50’s diner theme for the food table.  The invitation states that there will be an appetizer/dessert buffet.  We are providing mini burgers, mini hot dogs, all condiments and will again have the chocolate fountain.  Any other appetizers, desserts or finger foods that the Angels would like to provide would be fantastic, regardless of whether or not you want to follow the “diner” theme.  In the past, we have had hummus/pita chips, cheese and cracker trays, fruit and veggie trays, mini-muffins, cake pops, etc.  If somebody doesn’t feel like cooking, we could also use items to dip in the chocolate fountain, such as marshmallows, pretzels, Oreos, and strawberries.  Please contact me either via phone or email to let me know what you will be providing to minimize duplication.  Items can be dropped off in the office anytime on March 6th before 4:00, or you can contact me to make other arrangements.  Thank you so much!