Today we learned about a new nonfiction text feature which is glossary! The definition the students have of this feature is: it is an alphabetical list of new or important words. The students will be hunting for their own example of a glossary in books in our classroom to add to their nonfiction feature folder.
We’ve been working on alphabetizing also. In math, students have to return their math bins to the shelves with their names in alphabetical order. In small groups the students get the chance to ring our bell to end Daily 5 sessions in alphabetical order.
In writing, students have been given a creative thinking project where they must turn a squiggle on a page into an illustration. They students will do two illustrations with the same squiggle. Then they will practice writing an opinion piece by saying which illustration they would rather have facing outward for everyone to see if we hung them in the classroom.
During science today all of our groups finished testing their phone prototypes! Each group took time to calculate and think about their results as well as what worked well in their group and what didn’t. The next time we do science we’ll discuss our results as a classroom to look for trends in what string and cup combinations gave the best results.