Thank you, everyone, for a wonderful night of student-led cofnerences. I enjoy overhearing the students talking about their favorite classwork and hearing their parents tell them how proud they are. I am so proud of the work the students have done so far this year and I am looking forward to getting outside more now that the weather is turning warmer. On that note, we are encouraging students to still bring snowpants next week so they don’t get their clothes wet and/or covered in mud at recess. If you choose not to send in snow pants with your child you may want to consider sending some extra clothes on top of those that should already be in their locker for them to use if they get wet or muddy.
Also, PCCS would really love your feedback through the 5 essentials survey. The link is here: https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/survey/parent/login/ for the parent survey. Honestly I don’t know how long the parent one takes, but the feedback we get from it is very important. Please help us understand our strengths and weaknesses from your perspective!