Sunday’s high winds have certainly blown us into the third trimester! We are looking forward to the fresh start that a new trimester often brings. We have seen so much growth in your students, and we know we will continue to see progress as we head into this final stretch!
In ELA we have finished our Literature Circles and each student is currently working on a culminating book project that will be due on Wednesday. We will also be doing some preparation for the PARCC test which will be given during the week before Spring Break (Tuesday through Thursday) and the week after Spring Break (also Tuesday through Thursday). The ELA portion of this exam contains reading comprehension questions as well as a writing prompt. The skills necessary for your students to be successful have been part of our curriculum throughout the year, and we will do our best to instill a sense of confidence in each of your students over the next three weeks.
In science, Mrs. Flaig will finish her unit on photosynthesis and introduce the water cycle to both classes. She is ready and excited to teach full days beginning this week as she moves closer to her teaching certification. She has been working hard to get to know each of your students, and she is committed to ensuring their success. Please feel free to reach out to her at with any questions you may have.
Please look for an email this Friday to sign up for student led Conferences on March 8th and 9th. Grades from second trimester will also be sent home on Friday. And finally, a quick reminder that Farm to Table is this Wednesday. If your child has ordered Farm to Table, please send them with a plate and utensils. Thank you!