by Karin Stefans | Feb 5, 2015 |
- We will be sledding tomorrow afternoon at about 1:30! If you child has a sled that s/he can bring to school, s/he should do so. Students also must wear appropriate snow gear (boots, snowpants, gloves, etc.)
- We are asking students to bring in a pair of headphones/earbuds for use during the PARCC assessment. An inexpensive pair (think dollar store) will be fine. These headphones/earbuds will stay at school for the remainder of the school year and will be on the supply list for next school year. Headphones/earbuds will be stored in individual plastic bags labeled with student names, and will not be shared. The sooner you can send these in, the better. Thank you!
- In preparation for PARCC, the students will be taking some practice tests. Our practice PARCC times as as follows (times are also listed on our class events calendar):
- Social studies: 2/11 at 10:30
- Scott math class: 2/12 at 12:30
- Stefans math class: 2/19 at 12:30
- Science: 2/20 at 10:30
- ELA: 2/27 at 10:30